Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stuff I found n things I make

So of course after not writing anything for like 6 months my first gut reaction is to just try n delete this and try to start anew, like a fresh start is somehow going to miraculously change my attitude and make me a dedicated blogger. It doesn't work with ex-girlfriends, it sure as hell isn't going to work for a crappy blog. A crappy blog doesn't get you laid.

I've been keeping myself boarded up in my apartment, painting. I've been painting for ages n I don't have a single damned painting finished. How do I do this? How can one person have so many unfinished projects at any given time?
I have this thing about things ending. I used to make myself have really bad panic attacks. My 14 yr-old self would lay awake in bed and think about death until I'd get all sorts of worked up. Not about myself dying, but my friends n family. I thought it was something I'd never get over. I don't think I have, I think I've just sorta accepted it. Or maybe from having my heart broken a few times? Yeah...I'm gonna say having serious relationships at a young age probably helped with that. Get's you over the "I-can't-live-without-you" factor. Thank fucking God. I don't think I could deal with such jackassery from myself.
Anyway, I digress. What I was really trying to get into was that my family just finally got my Aunt Pearl's house all cleaned out, and we had that really weird time of going through a dead relative's things. Aunt Pearl died like 2 yrs ago, I think. But before that she had stayed in a retirement home, so my coming n going out of her dilapidated home was routine for 5+ years for lawn care and feeding the 2 feral cats that lived in there. Aunt Pearl was a crazy old cat lady... Crazy old Catholic cat lady. That means she decorated her house with all things Jesus. And if it wasn't Jesus, it was the Virgin. And if it wasn't Jesus or his mom, it was cat-related.
So, needless to say, going through Aunt Pearl's belongings....Catholic shit and cat shit. Oh and some really ridiculous costume jewelry.

I made these necklaces out of things I found at my Aunt Pearl's house. I've actually had the seashells lying around for years, and somehow I never lost them despite moving so many times. I hadn't only connected with Aunt Pearl in a distant way. I remember getting bedsheets for Christmas from her and I was totally stoked. Who the fuck doesn't like flannel sheets? I didn't really connect with what Aunt Pearl was until going through her things, looking at the weird shit a cat-loving, senile spinster collected. 
And then I realized that this more likely than not that I'll become Aunt Pearl. Senile. Cat-crazy. The Catholic thing isn't going to happen, but it seems we both had the same tastes in fashion. Or maybe its because we were both really short. Whatever the case, I feel like I know Aunt Pearl a little better through making these necklaces.

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